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Friday, January 4, 2008

Hey dearie. It's 2008 already. I hope you've been reading this. I think i can survive this 3 days la. You know with the help of work and stuff. Time passes by much much faster. i'm getting more and more tired with each passing working day. all the waking up early, sleeping late, standing the whole day. I'm just tired. Now, i'm hoping February will come faster so that i can stop working. =x i think i only know and only want to enjoy life la huh?

Now, you're outside riding, and I'm resting at home. Hopefully as you ride, you're thinking of me. Cause no matter what I'm doing, I'm always thinking of you. it's going to be 2 soon! i'd better go get some rest. still got work tmr. See you soon dar dar. =)

We Love US.
9:25 AM

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Dear dear. Ok i think my sleeping time is gone case. Though you're asleep already, but i still wanna talk to you like very badly. Ya. Now, i'm like cranky yet i dun feel like sleeping. And i'm behaving like a crazy girl, and i'm having hysterics. I'm like super high, keep laughing and stuff.

Right now, i'm so looking forward to your holidays so that i can fulfil my holiday resolution, and that is to hog you. Hees. Ok, after my hysterics are gone. I'm now in a very emo mood. Lol. I'm listening to James Ingram- Just once.

I think Kat and Jerome ar. Looks liek on the way to the road of love. Lol. Anw Jerome is like trying to improve the impression of you in Kat. Lol.I dunno why but she always tell me she feels that you're intimidating. But i dun think so lehx
In fact you're the best thing that ever happen to me in my entire lifetime.


We Love US.
11:33 AM

Friday, November 2, 2007

Heys darling my exams are almost going to be done soon. So many things that i wanna do. I'm going to redo my room go shopping and of course i'm going to spend more time with you!! It's like ever seems my exams started we've hardly been together to the movies and stuffs. I wanna go garden to fish!!! I missed it so much la! But of course I miss you the most la.

OK so i just saw you this afternoon but still i miss you.

Dar dar when you go ride or skate or no matter what you're doing remember to take your meals on time ok? Even if you're not hungry also just grab some bite ok? I don't want you to go hungry and have gastric pain. Also be careful and always take care. I dun wan everytime i see my dar dar my dar dar's body got a few more holes.

OH you know something? No matter how insecure i am of myself. There's one thing i'm 100% sure of myself. That is i'm irrevocably in love with you. :)

We Love US.
9:42 AM

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ok, so you'll be back today. I'm so excited even though I won't be able to see you today, but still, I guess we'll be able to talk through the phone right? So I guess I'll talk to you later. Imma going to study now. Ciaox

We Love US.
9:25 PM

One more day to your arrival!! Today i wrote a compo which I think is really great and that you should read it. I put it on my own personal blog. http://listentomespeak.blogspot.com I think I really talked about what society expects of us in the aspect of beauty. Oh anyway, I'm so thrilled you're coming back. I'm studying so hard i suddenly feel so tired and i wanna give up. Dear come back fast ok. I think after i see you I'll feel alright le. You're my source of strength.

I love you.

We Love US.
12:22 AM

Monday, October 1, 2007

heys my dear. You must be sleeping now right? I just had seafood dinner with my dad. His wife came back too. Oh well, I din really enjoy it fantastically. Had trouble communicating with my dad. We had chilli crab, drunken prawns and seafood fried rice. Dear dear ar... usually the nights are the most difficult to pass during the night. Feel exceptionally insecure and so alone. You faster come back la. Than can talk to me.

We Love US.
6:58 AM

Yo! Dear dear, Happy Children's Day!!! Lol. Today I got send home from school. Nope, not because I misbehaved. But because my stomach gave me problems, I keep running to the toilet. And I think I lost a 2 good kilos. It's a good thing to lose weight but not very nice having to keep running to the toilet. Hehees.

I'm meeting my dad for dinner today. Have this feeling of not really looking forward but rather more reluctant. I dunno why. It's like it's just going to be awkward for me having to converse with him. Fortunately, I have my sis going with me. It really helps a great deal. Yay! I just realised I can type things now without looking at the keyboard. Hehees.

Finally it's Monday today. 2 more days and you'll be back here with me. I'm so looking forward.

Till i see you again, I'll be loving you. Love me.

We Love US.
2:13 AM

Probably the cutest couple you've ever met. da Boy! Well He's cute. He's hot. He's loving. He's romantic. He's everything I've ever dream of. I guess nobody, NOBODY in this world can ever replace him in my heart.


He Made It Possible.


September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
January 2008

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